Sunday, June 16, 2019

How would Virtue Ethics be used to solve moral controversies What Essay

How would Virtue morals be used to solve moral controversies What would Virtue Ethics say is the right action in regards to abortion - Essay ExampleContextually, moral controversies and its impact on the society is vital and hence, the effect of equity morals is an important considerate in this regard. The discussion henceforth also stresses on the fact that the impact of social issues like abortion may lead to the last of several lives in the society and create a moral controversy.Virtue ethical motive, in its simplest form, implies the good character of individuals and their awareness of the moral rights they have. According to virtue ethics, a virtuous person will have his attention towards vitiateing social moral controversies, as they focus towards the nature of the issue. In this context, it can be stated that virtue ethics focuses more upon the aspect to how an individual should live and portray his/her characteristics and express wisdom towards solving issues. Accordingl y, these aspects and positive traits of the people minimize the risk of moral controversies to a considerable extent (British Philosophical Association, n.d.).Virtue ethics is based upon three tenets to avoid the moral controversies, which includes agent-based theories, Eudaimonism, and the ethics of care. In other words, virtue ethics is a form of Modern Moral Philosophy, which implies that every individual living in a society needs to have rational thoughts to avoid controversies. Hence, virtue implies towards the right action of an individual guided by their moral obligations (British Philosophical Association, n.d.).Concerning abortion, the right attitude or virtue depends upon the relevance of action, based on correct information. As virtue ethics refers fetus to be a life, and because killing a life is against the moral consideration, virtue ethics refers abortion as a wrong action. However, the action of abortion can be referred as virtuous, if the decision is based on accura te information, independence and self-determination by the expecting drive and the pregnancy may be a

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