Monday, September 30, 2019

Present Political Scenario

Indian Political Scenario India was declared a Sovereign free State in the year 1950, and, the patriots who had struggled for this event could, never have visulaised that, after fifty years of that great event, India would be in such a dilapidated political shape as it was, in the year 1998, till now. The year 1998 presented a spectacular change in the political scenario of the country by outsing the erstwhile century old single political party of the country, the Indian National Congress.This ouster is, on the one side an indication of the disgust people harbour for the party, and, on the other hand, it is indicative of the public’s estimation of the achievements of the party. The long spell of fifty years has brought this political party to such a low level of degradation, that, this reality could not be hidden from the electorate any further. This of course was a good symptom which showed that, the hitherto blind electorate had begun thinking and reflecting.This in turn mea nt that, the electorate had now come of age. However, the tragedy of this welcome turn of events was that, the electorate could not wisely turn out one single party to replace the Congress. This has led to an unprecedented and absolute mess in the political arena of the country. The Bhartiya Janta Party has come to power but, with clipped wings and tainted eyes. It came with so many partners in action that, there can never be a genuine consensus on anything or any point.Each party is, expects its own ‘pound of flesh’, and, in this effort, the very entity of the Government gets lost, and its functioning becomes problematic. No matter how much the B. J. P. may want to undo the evils of yesteryears but, it just can’t as, it has to wait for 18 nods (24 nods at preserved) and in this only, all matters get dissolved and lost. This, in turn brings out a blurred picture of the B. J. P. It is no wonder that strong steps just can not be taken in any sphere, when views diff er, targets are varied, and commitments unclear.Thus the present scenario of the Government is rather chaotic and pathetic with everyone, the partners, and the opposition ogling with their ugly eyes at the working of the B. J. P. looking for flaws in their fabric. Everyone, yes everyone seems to be intent upon dislodging the Government, which has given the country a little bit of a change from the monotony of the fifty years of Congress. It is wonderful that people when they vouchsafe that, Coalition has come to stay, but it means that, a mess deal has come to stay. It is rue that there are many countries where Coalition Governments are a reality but, then, why not in India? To these protagonists of Coalition Governments it is said that, Coalitions can work only among people with an understanding for each other, people who are interested in letting the Government work, and above all, among people who are disciplined and educated. But all these qualities essentials for an efficient C oalition are lacking among our Indian politicians, then how can a Government of this kind ever be expected to deliver the goods to the public.It is thus, out of all practicality for India to have a successful Coalition Government through, but still it exist. The various scenes at the Parliament and the State Assemblies show how very immature and childish our politician still is. The politician is not interested in any work but is always found to be using all his energies in how to defame the working party, how to pull the carpet from under the feet of the ruling party, and I dare to say that, yes, all his energies and time are continuously being used in these nefarious activities.Besides this, specially the Congress who has of governance for so long just can not imagine and adjust to the idea of being on the other side of the fence, and is so, busy trying to malign the Government. So, the position as it stands in 1998, till now after the latest election is that, the Opposition is al ways opposing, and the now 24 partners are looking for advantages only. With this situation, what can the ruling party be expected to do except just try to justify its actions and try to maintain the chair. Thus, the scene is of no more than confusion and no one is getting the time to do what they are meant to be doing.How can we expect politicians worse that street urchins, to sit in harmony and deliver the goods. If we keep on experimenting with Coalitions, the day is not far to seek when, India will be a body without a head for, we will not allow any head to function, as, heads there are many but, all without the qualities of heads and hearts. To – day, each politician has his own axe to grind so, we will be living in a ‘Fool’s Paradise’ if we except the modern politician to do anything worthwhile for the public which has gifted them this office of service and respect.The best Government for India, will be, at the present juncture a very strict dictator ship, provided the dictator is a man of the three Cs – caliber, character and conduct. The present politicians all, yes all, lack these qualities, of the three Cs. Thus if we can be concluded that, a dictatorship is not a viable proposition for India and it is not destined to work, as, for one, the country is too large, an alternative would be a healthy Bi-Party system. It is said ‘Healthy’, because, at present, only to contradict whatever the Government does, or puts up to them, is the work of the Opposition.It seems that our politicians are taking the meaning of the word opposition in its verbal sense, and they seem to feel that they just have to oppose, and that is all. This is a fractured attitude towards the Government, and a good Opposition can be effective only if it is friendly with the Government, and only brings to light what the Government might have missed. Discussions must be friendly, positive and result oriented rather than just destructive or nega tive. Only with such a healthy Opposition can there be a meaningful rapport between the Government and the Opposition.If this can be considered by the people who matter then, perhapse India may have a chance of getting out of the woods. The political scenario to-day is thus one of utter disgust and chaos bad behaviour with a blend of corruption is the summary of the present scene. With a singular motto displacing the Government, all the parties are working, and, if this continues for any more length of time, the law makers will have no face to make laws – as, they are the best and the maximum number of law breakers.As far as I can see, the 1998, till now political scenario is very dismal, and in its womb is hidden the ultimate collapse of the fabric of independent India. If the freedom fighters of the yesteryears were to see this unhappy scene, they would turn in their graves and wonder why they did so much for such an underserving people. In the last if one say Govt exists, it exists at least in India as the hung Government (of many nods) still continueing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Close Reading Essay

Because if what people mean is: Can the love of lauguage be taught? Can a grft for storytelling be taught? thenthe enswer is no. Which may be why the’question is so often asked in a skeptical leng imFlying that, unlike the multiplication tables or the principles of auto mechanics, creativity can’t be tansmitted from teacher to student Lnagine Milton enrolling in a graduate program for help virh Paradire Lost,orKa{ka enduring d1s semirlsl in which his classmates irrforn. him thaq franklp they just don’t believe the part about the guywaking up one morning to find he’s a giant bug. VLrat confuses me is not the sensibleness of the question but tJre fact that, when addressed to me, it’s being asked of a writer who has taught writing, on and off, for almost twenty -What years. would it say about mq my students, and the hours’wete spent in the classroom if I said drat any attempt to teach the writing of fiction is a complete waste of timl? I should probably just go ahead and admit that lve been com mi tting criminal fraud. to f-l an creative *iting be taught? t ] rt† † r. â€Å"roo.6l† qu†Jtiorr, but no matter how -/ often I’ve been asked it, I never krrow guite what That’s the experience I describe, the answer I give to people who ask about teaching creative writing: A workshop can be usefirl. A good teacher can show you how to edit your work. The right dass can encourage you and form the basis of a community that will help and sustain you. But that dass, as helpful as it was, is not where I learned to write. *itirg ike most-maybe all-vriters, I learned to write by and, by example, from reading books. Instead I answer by recalling my owu most valuable experienee not as a teacher, but as a student in one of the few fietion workshops I have ever taken. This was in the 1970s, during ny brief careLr as a graduate student in medieval English literature, when I was allowed the indulgence of taling one fiction dass. Its generous teacher showed me, ,mong other things, how to line-edit my work For any writer, the abiJity to look at a sentetce and see what’s superfluous, what cen be altered revised, erpanded and, especially, cut, is bssential. It’s satisfring to see that sentence shrinl, snap into place, and ultimately emerge in a more polished form: clear, e conomical sharp. Meanwhile, my classmates were providing me with my first real audience. In that prehistory before mass photocopying enabled students to distribute manuscripts in advance, Irre read our work aloud. That year I was b†g*ning what would become my first novel Arld what made an important d. ifference to me was the attention I felt in the room as the others listened. I was very dncouraged by their eagerness to hear’more 8  Long before 6e idea of a writer’s conference was a glimmer in anyone’s eye writers learned by reading the work of their predecessors. They studied meter with Ovid, plot consuuction with Homer, comedy with Aristophanes; tl:ey honed their prose style by absorbing the lucid sentences of Montaigne and Samuel Johnson- And who could have asked for better teachexs: generous, uncriticel blessed with wisdom and genius, as endlessh forgiving as only the dead can be? Though writers have leamed from the masters. in a formal.  methodical way-Harrv Crews has described aking apart’a Graham Greene novel to see how many chapters it contained, how much time it covered how Greene handled pacin& tone, and point ofvieiv-the truth iS that this sort of education more often involves a kind of osmosis. A-fter I’ve written an essay in which lve quoted at length from great writers, so that fve had to copy out long passages of their work, I’ve noticed that my own work becomes, however briefly, just a little more fluenl In the ongoing process of becoming a writer, I read and reread the authors I most loved. I read for pleasure, firsg but also more aualytically, conscious of stylef of dicrion, of how sentences were formed and information was being conveyed, how the writer was structuring a plot, creating characters, employing detail and dialogue. And as’I wrotq I discovered that writing like reading, was done one word at a time, one punctuation mark at a ti-e. It reguired what a friend calls lputting every word on u-ial for its Lfe†, changing an adjective, cutting a phrase, removing a sqttrlna and putting the comma back in. I read closely, word by word, sentence by sentence, pondering each deceptively minor decision the writer had made. Arrd though I can’t recall every source of inspiration and instruction, I can remember the novels and stories that seemed to me revelations: wells of beauty and pleasure that were also textbooks? courses of private lessons in th†e term paper on the theme of blindness il Oedipus Rex and Kinglear. Newere supposed to go through the rwo tragedies and cirde every reference to eyes, light, darkness, and visiort then draw some conclusion on which we would assigned  a art of fiction. When I was a high school junio4 -our English teacher base our final essay. The exercise seemed to us dul! mechanical. We felt we were way beyond it AII of us knew that blindness played a starring role in both dramas StiL we liked our E. nglish teacher, and we wanted to please him. And searciing for everyrelevantword turned out to have ari enjoyable seasure-hunt aspect, a Were’s Waldo detective thrill. Once we started looking for eyes, we found them everywhere, glinting at us, winking from every page. Long before the idea of a writer’s conference was a glimmer in anyonds eye, writers leamed by reading their predecessors. Th*y studied meter with OYi{ plot construction with Homer, -omedy with Aristophanes. T’ong before the blinding of Oedipus or Gloucester, the language of vision and its opposite was prepariag us, consciously or uncousciously, for those violent mutilations. It asked us to consider what it meant to b6 dear-sighted or obtuse, short-sighted or prescieng to heed the signs and wamings, to see or deny what was right in front of one’s eyes. Teiresias, Oedipus, Goneril, Kent-all of them could be defined by the sincerity or falseness with which they mused or ranted on the subject of literal or metaphorical blindness. tacing those patterns and making those connections was fun. Like cracking a code that the playwright had em. bedded in the text, a riddle that existed just for me to decipher. I felt as if I were engaged in some intimate communication with dre writer, as if the ghosts of Sophodes and Shakespeare had been waiting patiendy all those centuries for a bookjsh  .attention to whatever each word or phrase is tr4nsmitti’. Word by word is how we learn to hear and then read† which seems only fitting, because that is how the books we are reading were written in the 6rst place. The more we read, the fasterwe can perform that magic trick of seeing how the letters have been combined into words that have meaning. The more we read, the more we comprehen{ the more likely we are to discover new ways to read, each one tailored to the reason why we are reading a particular book. At 6rsq the  thrill of our own brand-new expertise is all we ask or expect from Dick and Jane. But soon we begin to ask what else those marks on the page can give us. We begin to want information, entertainmeng invention, even truth and beauty. W’e concentrate; we skim, we skip words, put down the book and daydream, start over, and reread. We firrish a book and return to it years later to see what we might have Tissed, or the ways io which time and age have affected our understanding. As a child, I was drawn to the works of the great escapist chjldren’s writers. Especially if I could rerurn to my own bed in time to turn offtl:e lights,I Iiked trading my famiJiar sixteen-year-old to come along and fiad them. I believed that I was learning to read in a whole new way. But this was only pardy uue. Because in fact I was merely relearning to read in an old way that I had leamed; but forgotten. e all begin as close readers. Even before we learn to read, the process ofbeing read aloud to, and of listenirig, is one in which we are taking in one word after another, one phrase at a trme, in which we are payrng  world for the London of the four children whose nanny parachuted into their lives on her umbrella and who turned t}re mo$t routine shopping uip into a magical outing. I would have gladly followed the white rabbit down into the rabbit hole and had tea with the Mad Hatter. I loved novels in which children stepped through portals-a garden, a wardrobe-into an alternate uoiverse. Children love the imagination, with its kaleidoscopic possibilities and its protest against the way that children are always being told exacdy what’s true and false, what’s real and what’s illusion. Perhaps my taste in reading had something to do with the limitations I was discovering, day by day: the brick walls of time and space, science and probabfity, to say nothing of whatever messages I was picking. up from the culture. I liked novels with plucky heroines like Pippi Longstocking, the astringent Jane Eyre, and the daughters in Little Wonzw grls whose resourcefulness and intelligence donot automatically exclude them from the pleasures of male attention. Each word of these novels was a yellow brick ia the road to Oz. Some chapters I read and leread so as to repeat the dependable, out-of-body sensation of being someulzere ebe. I read addictively, constantly. On one-family vacation my father pleaded with me to close my book long enough to look at the Grand Canyon. I borrowed stacks of books from the public libraxy: novels, biographies, history anything that looked even remotely engaging. Along with pre-adolescence came a more pressing desire for escape. I read more widely, more indiscriminately, and mostly with an interest in how far a book could take me from my life and how long it could keep me there. Gone With rlze LVind Pearl Buck. Edna Ferber. f’at James Michener best-sellers with a dash of history sprinkled in to cool down the steamy love scenes between the Hawaiian girls and the missionaries, the geishas and the GIs. I also FtcTtoN rssuE 2006 lO THE ATLANTIC MoNTHLY appreciated these books for the often misieading nuggets of information they provided about sex in that innocent era, the 1950s. I turned the pages of these Page-turners as fast as I could. Reading was like eating alone, with that same element of bingeing. I was fortunate to have good teachers, and friend. s who  were also readers. The books I read bdcame more chal’ lenging, betterwritten, more substantial. Sieinbe& Camus. Hemingway, Fiugerald, TWain, Salingea Arrne Frank. Litde beatniks, my friends and I were passionate fans of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. We read . Truman Capote, Carson McCullers, and the proto-hippie classics of Herman Hesse, Carlos Castenada-Mary Poppiru for people who thought they’d outgrown the flying nanny. I-must have been vaguely aware of the power of language, but only dimly, and only as it applied to whatever effect the book was having on me.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal philosophy of leadership Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal philosophy of leadership - Term Paper Example I am also committed to foster an environment that nurtures positive communication, collaboration and respect among all participants including my peers, families, and healthcare team as a whole. My desire is to give cultural sensitive care services with the understanding that every individual has his or her own worldviews. Excellence: This is the act of generating and executing transformative strategies with bold inspiration. Caring: I understand caring as promotion of hope, healing, and health to an ailing person and their families. There was a time I was put under care of an old man who was suffering diabetes. On one of my daily visits to his hospital room, I found him kissing a younger person than him. I was somehow disturbed, but I remembered my core value in diversity as a nurse leader. I respected his differences, tried not to be discriminative, and cared for him for the common good. I experienced negative leadership when one of my former clients called me and told me that her h usband had an accident. On behalf of the hospital, I sent some flowers to console her. On realizing that I had made a decision of sending flowers to her, the chief executive nurse was furious because I had not consulted him. He was one person who did not allow subordinates to make decisions. 2. In my definition, leadership involves helping other people achieve their potential, being inspirational, and being an advocate for positive change. This is attained through effective and innovative practices.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Chinas Unique International Relations Theory Essay

Chinas Unique International Relations Theory - Essay Example All this has also helped the country to become an independent power in the eyes of the rest of the world with time as well. The foreign or international policy of this country is the policy or theory by way of which it interacts with other nations and also the outlook that it has towards other nations around the world. According to many sources the international theory and policy of China has been said to be ‘highly influential’. The main objectives for the reason for the unique policy that it upholds with pride are to bring about independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Recent Chinese foreign policy makers may be seen to adhere to the realist rather than the liberal school of international relations theory. Thus, in sharp contrast to the Soviet Union and the United States, China has not been given off to advancing any higher international ideological interests such as world communism or world democracy since the Cold War; or in other words, its ideology appe ars to be secondary to advancing its national interest. China is also a vital member of many international organizations; with itself holding key positions like the permanent member on the UN Security Council and is also a leader in many areas such as non-proliferation, peacekeeping and resolving regional conflicts.... nese scholars began to think about theoretical studies of IR, and some of them emphasized the construction of an IR theory with Chinese characteristics. Recent Chinese foreign policy makers may be seen to adhere to the  realist  rather than the  liberal  school of  international relations  theory. Thus, in sharp contrast to the  Soviet Union  and the  United States, China has not been given off to advancing any higher international ideological interests such as world  communism  or world  democracy  since the  Cold War; or in other words, its ideology appears to be secondary to advancing its national interest. China is also a vital member of many  international organizations; with itself holding key positions like the permanent member on the  UN Security Council  and is also a leader in many areas such as  non-proliferation,  peacekeeping  and resolving regional conflicts. Since 1978 the international relations theory in China has developed to a great extent and the entire theory is based on the works of two parallel processes that are simultaneously trying to establish their superiority within the country, the two of them being; (Yaqing, Qin) 1. A tenacious learning process aimed at trying to acquire knowledge and along with it, generation. a) Learning and acquiring knowledge from countries situated in the West like the US, through which the international relations theory has slowly and gradually developed as an independent discipline within the country of China. b) Furthermore as discussed above, the result of this learning has led to the formation of different schools of thought which have given rise to thinking of Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism. c) All these different thought processes have also helped and led to the rise and growth in the national and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Law judecial precedent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law judecial precedent - Essay Example its merits and not on the merits of previously decided cases and on the other hand, the law of judicial precedent is important as part of the courts internal control mechanism. With the law judicial precedent, the courts are bound to follow what principles and interpretations of law have been previously set, thus whimsical and unfounded decisions can be avoided. Moreover, since there are now decided cases that may serve as basis in deciding the case at hand, we will have some ideas as to the possible outcome of the case. On the negative side, the existence of judicial precedent can hinder the delivery of justice. As in the case of R v Kansal (2002), the court considered itself as bound by its decision of the case of R v Lambert (2001) even if it knows that its decisions in that case is flawed. Situations like these presents big dilemma that could have some bearing on people’s perspective about the courts. Can the Court correct its flawed decisions even it is bound by the law of judicial precedent? Yes, the decisions of the Courts are not cast is stones and these decisions may be reversed, overruled or rejected under certain grounds. In the case of Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd (1944), the Court of Appeals said that it bound by its previous decision. Technically, the court is saying here that we have decided a case similar as this and unless there is a clear showing that the facts of case at bar contradicts that of the previously decided case, it has no choice but to follow the course of it previous decisions. The Court of Appeals in this case also provided three cases where it can overturn its previous decision and these conditions are as follows (1) where there is a conflict between two Court of Appeals decisions (2) where the decision is in conflict with the decisions made by the House of Lords and (3) where decision of the previous case is said to be given a per incuriam (a fin ding of want of care exist), the courts cannot decide the case at bar

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 85

Case Study Example For this reason, it was essential to adopt an advertising strategy totally different from the prevailing ones. b) The first campaign of Axe made use of the broadcast media as the central element of advertising. This media was chosen to captivate the audience after having reached them. The ‘dirty message’ that was part of this campaign was targeted to reach the intended audience by airing the commercials during telecast of television programs that were famous in the age-group that was being targeted. Program like Baywatch, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Real World were chosen for this purpose. In addition to the broadcast media, Axe also made use of the print media to display luring ads in magazines like Playboy, Maxim and Sports illustrated swimsuit issue. An additional line of action was targeting spring break destinations that were favorite among college boys. The walls of these places were covered with posters and pictures of the products manufactured by Axe. One last media used for advertisement was the internet; a website by the name of served to entertain the target audience i.e. young boys. c) The second campaign made use of the ‘storytelling power’ of television and cinema combined. Since the issue was to promote the ‘detailer’ and ‘shower gel’ collectively, it was essential to promote the use of detailer using multiple media channels, as it was a novel concept at that time. In addition to the cinema and television, digital media was employed and various means like videos promoted through YouTube were used for the purpose. The idea was to promote the novel â€Å"Axe Detailer: The Manly Shower Tool†, which served just one purpose i.e. â€Å"Clean Your Balls†. In my opinion, this effort was driven by reach. d) Instead of using the traditional forms of promotion, Axe should now focus on promotion through direct interaction with the public. This may include

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Cut Flower Cluster in Kenya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Cut Flower Cluster in Kenya - Essay Example These include the overall economic performance and its subsequent effects upon the local and the international consumers. Similarly, there is the aspect of macro performance that entails several things. For instance, in terms of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), cut flower has been very influential. It contributes about 8% in terms of total export revenues. On the other hand, there is the contribution of productivity has been high accompanied by profitability margins. This has been facilitated by the inadequate competitiveness that guides the innovation and productivity of cut flower in Kenya (Zeng 2008, p. 153). In other words, there has been tremendous improvement on the transaction costs that work towards the boosting of productivity and overall efficiency. The productivity has also been able to received sustenance from the export growth that has not decreased making productivity a fundamental choice of macro performance. However, there has also been the effect of the cut flower grown in Kenya in the context of inflation in the outlook of the country’s economy. For example, transporters of the cut flower have experienced the instances of high inflation costs especially with the fall of the dollar in the local and global market. This is because it affects the prices of the local production that is paramount in the boosting the average productivity. Alternatively, there is also the revenue generated from exports that are also affected by the high inflation of the new dollar economy. Therefore, it may be added that the fall of inflation has also helped in the cut of about 14% of the cut flower prices in the global market (Webber & Labaster 2010, p.66). This suggests that one-third of total supplies are current being sold in Europe to accrue export revenues and an increase in productivity. Cut flower also has an adverse effect on the currency of the nation in the context of the effects on the

Monday, September 23, 2019

-----anything you want------ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

-----anything you want------ - Research Paper Example However, this act has done more harm to the lives of American citizens than good. There is no doubt that the U.S. Patriot Act intrudes upon the privacy of Americans, promotes censorship, initiates racial profiling, and lastly takes the issue of national security too far. First, the U.S. Patriot Act is unconstitutional because it intrudes upon the privacy of American citizens by violating their First and Fourth Amendment rights. The nature of the U.S. Patriot Act is an issue that still remains a mystery as Congress quickly passed the bill without much debate (Cornhels 1). The bill itself contains four hundred laws and expands the definition of â€Å"terrorism† drastically (Cassell 13). The First Amendment rights of freedom of speech along with freedom to assemble are rights that most Americans hold dear to their lives, but now actions such as civil disobedience, and protests, are now being defined as domestic terrorism under this legislation (Cornhels 2). A sixty-two year old e lderly man found his rights to be jeopardized as he was arrested based on his beliefs about the bombings in Afghanistan (Cassell 6). Under the Patriot Act, a clause known as Section 215 terrorizes Americans because it breaks the 4th and 5th Amendment, which ensures the privacy of individuals (â€Å"Reform the Patriot Act† 2). ... It was clear that these initiatives were an â€Å"all-out attack† against the American public itself. Peter Swire, a professor at Ohio University, reports that FBI officials are putting pressure on telecommunication companies to turn over records (Chang 49). Already concerns have been raised by the public whether sharing the information with federal agencies and local police is legal (Cassell 26). As Jim Edwards puts it, â€Å"The Patriot Act is already having a chilling effect, even in the areas where it does not apply† (Edwards 1). This law, however, does not affect US citizens only; in fact, the Canadian government has also passed legislation to â€Å"protect† its citizens. In Canada, a law has been created that prevents any public institution to store any private information in the U.S. (â€Å"Reform the Patriot Act† 1). Even Universities in Canada are striving to protect their students’ private information from USA (â€Å"Reform the Patriot Ac t† 2). Nova Scotia and B.C. legislations have set strict guidelines on public institutions when it comes to sharing information with companies outside the USA (â€Å"Reform the Patriot Act† 1).Therefore, the U.S. Patriot Act is unconstitutional because it violates the constitutional given rights of Americans. Secondly, the Patriot Act is unconstitutional because it promotes censorship. Section 215 in the U.S. Patriot Act is a fatal blow on libraries because it allows government to see records of a person’s checkout list (Smith 96). What is even worse is that the individual has no clue whether Section 215 has been used on him since the libraries can not disclose any information (Smith 98). A survey conducted in December 2001 by University of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Advanced practical production Essay Example for Free

Advanced practical production Essay Introduction In my AS year I decided to produce an Internet site, which came under the new media production. The website was based on astrology and horoscopes, I named the site Stars and Their future. This year in my A2 year I decided to do a print based project, I chose to complete a CD cover, Video cover and a magazine article for an upmarket magazine. They will all be based around the promotion of an upcoming music talent Sophie. Last year a lot of my work was based on the computer as it was an internet site, the pictures didnt need to be high resolution as I wasnt printing them off they were staying on the screen, whereas this year my project is based on Print, the pictures will have to be of a higher quality and resolution. The main differences between the two projects are also that this year my work will be promotional. I am designing to attract people to either buy the products or to read the article, I need to make my client look her best and attract new fans. A lot of work will be needed to put in to make my project look its best. Planning For my coursework I plan to do a print based project, which will consist of a CD cover, Video cover and a magazine article all promoting the same female artist. I have decided to merge the style of contemporary and classical theme, regarding the layout and pictures used within my project. I have decided to produce the article for a more upmarket magazine such as Company, B, or Cosmopolitan this will consist of a simple classic layout with an informal use of contemporary pictures. The CD and video will be of a similar style. The target audience for my magazine article will be for women aged 15+. My products will be open to all prospective buyers as I am basing my project on a female talent the prospective buyers could be men or women of all ages. For my album and video cover the style will be more stylised as they need to be more eye-catching for the prospective buyer, they also need to reflect my chosen artists style. The CD cover will need to be eye-catching, make the prospective buyer want to pick up the CD and want to know more. It will be located at all reputable music retailers. The video should look fun and interesting to watch and make the buyer feel that they are going to get all the latest news on the artist that they couldnt get elsewhere. It will be on sale at all supermarkets and high street outlet stores; it should be interesting and fun to watch. My magazine article will appear in an upmarket magazine and will be available at all newsagents, stationers and reputable supermarkets. When researching for my project I did a survey asking a range of 20 people questions on which type of artist they prefer, what style and type of colour scheme. Looking at the results from my questionnaire, the results were quite split, based on the results the audience would prefer an artist that incorporated a bit of pop and classical, with a mixture of contemporary and classic style with use of classic colour schemes. Once I had my results from my survey I decided to do more research on the web, I decided to search for existing CD covers on www. by female artists. I noticed that all of the covers had a bright and eye-catching picture of the artist on the front, with a few smaller pictures of the artist on the back with the list of the tracks. I decided that I wanted to base my layout on this style. I also decided to include the lyrics form the songs I have written myself; they will be included within the sleeve of the front cover with pictures of the artist also to be included next to, and superimposed behind the lyrics, again similar to the style of CD covers I have already researched. I also went to my local supermarket to look at the different types of music videos that are on the market; they consisted of either tour videos or a compilation archive video of all the artists recent pop videos. I decided that these ideas would be good to put together, the video cover would explain that my video was going to include all of the artists latest videos, plus never before seen footage, with exclusive interviews with the artist. After purchasing two magazines with an interview with a huge female music artist Jennifer Lopez, I analysed the two to see the similarities and differences between the two. One of the articles was taken from Company magazine and one of them was taken from B magazine, they both have a classic layout with a big picture of the artist that covers one page and a short interview with Jennifer on the opposite page, I felt that I could incorporate the two articles to base an idea on for my own on. Throughout all of my research I have noted the graphology and fonts used on the page, they are always clear to read and are not of a size that is too big or too small to read. Colour schemes are important; they can either reflect a theme or use of colours that compliment each other. I began organising the task by drawing up a plan of what I have to do and in what order it has to be done; I decided to design the layout of each of my pieces and making a list of what pictures needed to be taken. Important decisions that needed to be made was the style and angles in which the pictures had to be taken and deciding on a theme that would run through all 3 pieces to reflect the style of my chosen artist. I decided to use the theme of fire and classic themes, using warm tones and colours such as reds, oranges and yellows, and subtle smoky greys and shadow effects; this decision was due to Sophies (my artist) fiery red hair. The technology I used when creating my project included a digital camera for taking and recording pictures. Microsoft Photo draw to touch up and edit pictures, I also used this programme to create my video and CD cover. I used the programme Microsoft Publisher to create my magazine article. This influenced the progress of my production by allowing easy transfer of my pictures into my pieces. The programme Photo draw also helped my to edit the pictures and allowed me to get them to the best quality. I decided to work on my own when completing this project as this meant that I could organise my time easily and I could make my own decisions. Analysis I have produced a video cover, CD cover package and a magazine article. All three of my projects share a classic theme to reflect the style of Sophie my chosen artist. My product reflects and uses the conventions of the media genre that I am working in which is the promotion of an up and coming teen music star. Overall I think that finished product reflects the theme and style I set out to. I wanted Sophie to be seen as a classic artist and to not be associated with the pop genre. My CD cover consists of grey tones that reflect a classic theme; within the booklet it contains the lyrics and more pictures of Sophie, each reflecting her individual style. I named the album The way you like it, I chose this as the title for my album because it reflects to any potential buyers that Sophies kind of music is a type that can be enjoyed by all. When researching for my CD cover I noticed and trend with albums that were used for female stars, on the front was a close up of the star that was very noticeable to the prospective buyer. I took a picture of Sophies head and made it fill the front. I then used the tools within the photo draw package to touch-up the photo and make it look more professional. I made the picture appear in grey tone by using the greyscale tool that made the picture appear in black and white, I also made the picture fade out around the edges by using the transparency tool. To make the face more noticeable I used web effects to make the face have a glow around it. This made the front cover look professional. I added the title and my artists name using the font vinetta sans in a white font. I chose this particular font as I felt is was a classic font the looked great and fitted my chosen theme. The video cover again uses the same colour scheme as the CD cover, greys and shadows, although the video cover is set out in quite a different way. I decided that the title for the video would be Up Close and Personal the theme on the font cover reflects this. I took a few pictures of Sophie that were close up head shots in various positions and from different angles, for some of the pictures I used a fan to blow Sophies hair to give the pictures a more professional touch. When researching for my product I noticed that when professional pictures were taken of models in most cases the models werent looking directly at the camera, this looked more professional so I decided to adopt this technique. As the video is called Up Close and personal I waned to reflect the theme of a photo shoot on the front cover. I chose three of the pictures of Sophie and arranged them in a suitable way. I also made them 3D by embossing the pictures and giving the designer edges with the Photo draw package, again allowing Sophie to seem closer to the prospective buyer. Again I touched up the pictures getting rid of any dust or blemishes using the photo draw tools. The way in which the photos are arranged is o look like a fashion/ photo shoot i. e. being up close and personal- nothing to hide. Which is what the content of the video is going to be about. The magazine article is made for a more upmarket magazine, I blended the styles of cosmopolitan and B, I think that my article portrays the right theme for my artist, the article is quite contemporary using a close up head shot of Sophie to fill one page of the article and pinks and purples on the other page, The writing is not to big or to small. I got my idea from two magazine articles that already existed about a stars 5-point plan to fame. I also incorporated an interview into this so that the readers could get to know my artist Sophie. I used Microsoft publisher to create my article. I have followed media conventions literally when creating my products. The CD cover is typical of an album cover of an uprising female artist, with a large head shot on the front, listing of tracks on the back with lyrics included with images of the artist with the booklet itself. The image on the front is eye-catching and shows my artist in a classic way. The video front is eye-catching with 3 images of the artist on the front with the title in bold front as to catch the prospective buyers attention. The title is up close and personal which gives the buyer an insight into how detailed the biography/ behind the scenes video is. Typical conventions have been used when writing the article I have created an upbeat chatty voice, which the reader can relate to. The article is aimed towards females age 15+ as these are the typical market for this type of magazine /article. Again a large image of Sophie is opposite the article so that the reader is automatically aware of whom the article is about. I mentioned use of voice within the magazine article, using phrases such as had bagged her first theatre role in Londons west end. Bagged is a colloquial term that the readers can relate to, it allows the article to seem informal and friendly which is how I want Sophie to be perceived. When creating the CD cover I wanted to create some form of narrative, the lyrics tell a story as the reader/ listener gets to know Sophie more personally. When writing the thank you section at the end of the booklet I wanted my choice of words to be personal and informal, when addressing the fans and relatives/ management I needed to use the correct language so that it felt like Sophie was talking directly to the reader. The video cover doesnt include a lot of text, there is a blurb on the back which aims to entice the reader into wanting to watch the video gaining information that they wouldnt be able to get else where i. e. using phrases like never before seen footage. The potential buyers only read this though once they have picked the video up. I included quotes on the front cover from top magazines to show what they think of the video and Sophie, HOTTEST NEW TALENT, NOT TO BE MISSED!!! Again enticing the potential buyer to pick up the video. The representation of the video is included on the back of the video cover within the blurb. Words like exclusive and descriptive work describing Sophie beautiful, superstar all make the buyer want to know more. I have made use of particular stereotypes within my work, I have gone against them. Typically new uprising music stars are manufactured, blonde, dont have individual style, and are single and available. All of these I have gone against and my star is refreshingly new, red hair, individual style, writes own music/ lyrics, and is in love and is not ashamed to let the world know. Her music comes first not the number of no1s or record sales. A breath of fresh air and individuality makes sales.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Women’s Experiences in the Military Essay Example for Free

Women’s Experiences in the Military Essay Women suffered a lot during the wars. Many were reported to have been physically tortured, for instance, they were hit with mortar rounds; making the whole building to shake. They spent nights out in the cold and the sleeping conditions were horrible. Some became paralyzed and lay on the ground for hours before receiving help. They fought for their lives on without protection since men were also in the fields. If women were discovered to be in possession of valuable positions such as diamond, it was taken away from them. (Taylor, p367) There were incidents when women came out of their homes to provide assistance if they saw their dwellings being set on fire. The women did not care about their personal safety and neither did they worry that their lives could end any time. They put their lives on line to save their people and families. For instance, they died from serious injuries and smoke from burning houses, falling debris and flames. (Chen, p389) There were women who provided assistance in saving or rescuing other children and adults who were caught up in burning structures. They did this without protective clothing and shoes. They kept on entering and re-entering the buildings in order to vacate their children to safety. Women continuously assisted the residents in Vietnam to relocate their personal properties as well as livestock. By this time there were no fire fighting equipment and personnel assistance. This reflected courage commitment and self-sacrifice on Vietnamese women. (Insun, p366) Their experiences made them emerge as heroes and they were awarded medals. However, their naivety did not make them realize that they deserved the medals. Coupled with that they were very young and hence had not received enough exposure. They could not make sense out of the problems they were having. (Insun, p254) During those times of war, despite women’s involvement in the military, they were still nursing young children at homes. They had to strike a balance between the time spent at the military and the time spent with their families. Their children were affected by diseases, while growing up. Women said that things appeared perfectly normal at birth of their children but as soon as they become toddlers something always went wrong. Mothers gave birth to children with cancer, especially of the kidney and other types of tumor, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder), teeth and bone deformities as well as fainting spells. Other children displayed symptoms of Grand Mal Epilepsy. Most of the conditions which affected these children were made worse by the negative effects of war. The health of the children was seriously affected. At night, women experienced mass attack which affected the entire corner within Long Binh. They had mortar attack which landed on their homes and killed some of them. At his time, all they had were prayers. (Taylor, p567) They prayed a lot when all failed. At around 1968, the military intelligence received a document which stated they were giving away approximately twenty five thousand dollars for every female who was a white American. The government gave women life insurance. The insurance was worth only ten thousand dollars. This was too little and they actually laughed at it because they were definitely worth much more. (Woodside, p56) The women most of the time ignored the problems that they had with men because they did not want those problems to take toll on their lives. Some other challenges that women faced were lack of audience. They had grievances amongst themselves and despite their efforts to air them, nobody could listen to them. The communications department was not effective and there was no order of the events taking place. In addition, the communication channels were not properly defined. They were random and did not consider the urgency of the information. (Insun, p89) The policies of children adopting were changed, and this affected parenting and especially women who were not able to give quality life to their children. The situation affected them psychologically and some women became hostile to the new policies. The children suffered emotional and psychological torture due to lack of parental love. The bonds that tied a child and his mother were no longer there. (Insun, p67)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Medulla Oblongata: Function and Location

Medulla Oblongata: Function and Location Medulla oblongata The medulla oblongata is a very interesting part of the brain. This very small section of the brain stem has a very large amount of responsibility in the human body. Studies concerning this section help in the understanding of many basic biological functions of the body. Some of the actions are ones that we dont even notice are happening on a day-to-day basis but are very important to human life. The medulla oblongata has many different connections with other areas of the brain, plays a key role in several functions of the body, has neurotransmitters that are involved in the functioning of this area, has diseases that can greatly affect its roles in the body. The medulla oblongata has many connections to other areas of the brain. The medulla oblongata is the most inferior portion of the brainstem and is about three centimeters long. It slightly bulges out of the brain stem. It is located in between the pons and the spinal cord. The axons that carry sensory information to and motor instructions from the higher brain regions pass through the brainstem. It creates tracts that allow communication to pass through from certain sides of the brain. These tracts house fibers that cross each other in pyramidal region of the medulla oblongata allowing the brain to communicate with the opposite of the body. Vital nuclei located in the gray matter of the medulla oblongata are used for cranial nerves. The medulla oblongata has many different functions in the body. These functions are being performed at all hours of the day, many of them without contribution from other sections of the brain. One main function is relaying signals between the brain and the spinal cord. The medulla helps with coordinating very large body movements liking jogging or climbing. The medulla houses portions of the brain that control what is considered automatic homeostatic functions as well as some primitive organs (Campbell and Reece 2008). The cardiac portion constantly sends inhibitory impulses to the heart to tell it to slow down. This portion also sends acceleratory impulses through the spinal nerves to make the heart beat faster whenever it may be necessary. The vasomotor portion sends impulses via spinal nerves through the spinal cord to muscles walls around arteries causing them to constrict. This constriction of arteries will cause blood pressure to rise. The respiratory portion houses respiratory nuclei that control the depth and rate of breathing. The medulla oblongata also plays a role in reflex responses. The capability to respond quickly to a stimulus can be very important when there is a need to survive. Reflex responses include swallowing, sneezing, vomiting, coughing, and digestion. A lot of these functions are involuntary or start off voluntary and then transform in to involuntary functions. The activity of the medulla oblongata rely on axons that reach many areas of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum, releasing neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine. When under stress, norepinephrine relays messages to the brain that control reflex reactions and ability to pay attention. Like epinephrine, norepinephrine also triggers the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or-flight response is directly related to heart rate. It causes glucose from energy being stored to be released and blood flow to increase to muscles that enable the body to react as necessary. Norepinephrine raises blood pressure when used as a drug. This raise in blood pressure causes a correlated drop in heart rate. Dopamine, another neurotransmitter in the brain, opens dopamine receptors also affecting blood pressure and heart rate. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that deals with mood. Excessive aggressive, sadness, or jealousy is linked to the medulla oblongata. Acetylcholine is used in the motor division and cross over in the medulla oblongata. It is involved in muscle movement, autonomic body functions, and excitatory reactions. Many diseases and disorders affect the medulla oblongata. One disorder is a very rare and often fatal medullar abscess (Wait 2009). A medullar abscess is viewed as a condition of rapidly progressive multiple cranial nerve palsies and decreased level of consciousness (Wait 2009). Multiple system atrophy is a neurological disorder that degenerates nerves cells located in areas of the brain including the medulla oblongata. This disease can cause the loss of control of autonomic functions such as bladder control, movement, and coordination (Benarroch 1997). Damage to the medulla oblongata can cause several functions of the body to be thrown off and even death. Because cranial nerves run through this section of the brain injury there can cause several sensory problems. For instance, injury can cause numbness or paralysis of the palate and throat causing drooling and a lack of taste. This numbness can also obviously cause problems with speech. It can also cause gagging, inability to rotate the neck, and acid reflux. Surprisingly if a person suffers from brain damage their body can still function if the medulla oblongata is not damaged. However, damage to the medulla oblongata can cause the need for a breathing machine or other life support equipment. If the medulla oblongata is damaged sometimes the brain and body can recover and no longer need the use of a life support machine, but often the body cannot recover and a person is considered to be brain dead. In this stage, the removal of a life support machine will mean a persons body will no longer function and that person will die. A great assortment of medications and drugs can also alter the state of the medulla oblongata. Overdoses usually result in death because the medulla oblongata cannot carry out its functions under that amount of a specific drug. Opiates, coma, and hypothermia can affect the medulla oblongata in ways that cause the body to exude physical conditions comparable to death. Anesthesia is able to function as it does because its chemical components cause the medulla oblongata to decrease its autonomic functions. References Benarroch E, Smithson I. 1997. Distribution and relationships of neuropeptide y and NADPH-Ddiaphorase in human ventrolateral medulla oblongata. J Auto Nerv Sys. 62(3): 143-146. Hashimoto M, Hatasa M, Shinoda S. 1992. Medulla oblongata germinoma in association with Klinefelter syndrome. Surg Neur. 37(5): 384-387. Wait S, Beres E, Nakaji P. 2009. Bacterial abscess of the medulla oblongata. J Clin Neur. 16(8): 1082-1084. Campbell A, Reece J. 2008. Biology. 8th ed. San Francisco (CA): Benjamin Cummings. 1245.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Climate Change

Transitioning to clean energy sources will involve a policy that involves an extensive amount of research in the fields of science, economics, and politics. It is crucial that the United States conceives energy resources that decrease both environmental and health impacts. However, environment and health impacts are not the only aspects that must be considered as the United States moves to cleaner energy resources. The competitiveness of the United States’ economy as a whole and job security must be taken in account. ("Facing Our Energy Realities† 4) Therefore, the transition must be controlled. The transition should not detrimental to the citizens of the United States. Previously, politicians with the intentions of launching a safer environment established acts, such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. However, due to the Environmental Protection Agency, some states, and activist, these acts have negatively impacted some facilities and jobs. Congress must reevaluate laws to allow business to understand what is necessary to continue remaining a part of the market. ("Facing Our Energy Realities† 4) The citizens of the United States vote to determine which politicians generate the energy policies for the United States. Therefore, as a method of guarantying that voting citizens are also informed citizens, energy education should be accessible. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission does inform citizens in the areas surrounding a nuclear plant about nuclear energy. However, they should expand their education to all citizens. As it is unrealistic to fully eliminate coal, and several people are opposed to its use, energy plants using clean coal ought to offer educational measures to enlighten citizens of its advantages. Americans... ...2012. license-review.html>. "Invest in Climate Science to Guide Energy, Economic, and Environmental Policy." Institute for 21st Century Energy. U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Web. 01 May 2012. and-environmental-policy>. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. U.S. Department of Energy. Web. 03 May 2012. . â€Å"Nuclear Energy in France." Repulique Francaise. Embassy of France in Washington, 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 01 May 2012. . "The Obama-Biden Plan." Change.Gov. The Office of President-Elect. Web. 03 May 2012. . WNA. World Nuclear Association. Web. 02 May 2012. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Physiologic Effects of Insulin :: essays research papers

Stand on a streetcorner and ask people if they know what insulin is, and many will reply, "Doesn't it have something to do with blood sugar?" Indeed, that is correct, but such a response is a bit like saying "Mozart? Wasn't he some kind of a musician?" Insulin is a key player in the control of intermediary metabolism. It has profound effects on both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and significant influences on protein and mineral metabolism. Consequently, derangements in insulin signalling have widespread and devastating effects on many organs and tissues. The Insulin Receptor and Mechanism of Action Like the receptors for other protein hormones, the receptor for insulin is embedded in the plasma membrane. The insulin receptor is composed of two alpha subunits and two beta subunits linked by disulfide bonds. The alpha chains are entirely extracellular and house insulin binding domains, while the linked beta chains penetrate through the plasma membrane. The insulin receptor is a tyrosine kinase. In other words, it functions as an enzyme that transfers phosphate groups from ATP to tyrosine residues on intracellular target proteins. Binding of insulin to the alpha subunits causes the beta subunits to phosphorylate themselves (autophosphorylation), thus activating the catalytic activity of the receptor. The activated receptor then phosphorylates a number of intracellular proteins, which in turn alters their activity, thereby generating a biological response. Several intracellular proteins have been identified as phosphorylation substrates for the insulin receptor, the best-studied of which is insulin receptor substrate 1 or IRS-1. When IRS-1 is activated by phosphorylation, a lot of things happen. Among other things, IRS-1 serves as a type of docking center for recruitment and activation of other enzymes that ultimately mediate insulin's effects. A more detailed look at these processes is presented in the section on Insulin Signal Transduction. Insulin and Carbohydrate Metabolism Glucose is liberated from dietary carbohydrate such as starch or sucrose by hydrolysis within the small intestine, and is then absorbed into the blood. Elevated concentrations of glucose in blood stimulate release of insulin, and insulin acts on cells thoughout the body to stimulate uptake, utilization and storage of glucose. The effects of insulin on glucose metabolism vary depending on the target tissue. Two important effects are: Insulin facilitates entry of glucose into muscle, adipose and several other tissues. The only mechanism by which cells can take up glucose is by facilitated diffusion through a family of hexose transporters. In many tissues - muscle being a prime example - the major transporter used for uptake of glucose (called GLUT4) is made available in the plasma membrane through the action of insulin.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cultural impact of Macdonalds Essay

McDonald is more than a restaurant; it had known to be a prominent symbol of American standard in fast food industries. And for this company to penetrate the Arab market where they’re a huge gap in cultures, it must have to do some necessary adjustments. Even though McDonald have a strong value of its name as a brand, it wont be easy to for a foreign company to gain the confidence of a country with a strong different believe and well established culture. You see not the all restaurant could sell their products in Middle East because of this situation. It is this culture of Middle East people that had set standard and limitation of what to eat and not. Arab people are very strict when it comes to this matter and everything should be according to their laws and religion. The concept of selling product exclusively for a particular region is an effective way to reach out their potential market. For example, the introduction of Mcarabia sandwich in the Middle East. There are two versions of this sandwich, the McArabia Grilled Chicken and Grilled Kofta, which is both, prepared only using ingredients that are acceptable with the Arab Religion. This is very important part of reaching out the Arab market. Just by naming it as â€Å"McArabia† makes the Arab people feel how they are being valued by McDonald restaurant. It reflects the sincere commitments of McDonalds to reach out the market of the gulf regions. Thus, it gained a warm acceptance with Arab market and it has shown with record of successful sales of the company. With the success of McDonald, it brought out a new interest to its Arab Market. It taught its customers how they could they could enjoy American products and still stick with their culture. However, this leads to into some modernization, which I believe is now acceptable with Arab leaders. For as long as there religion is always on top of consideration, changes are welcome to Arab market. Maybe this is the reason why there’s a lot establishment and products being produce in accordance with the â€Å"hajal† standard.a

Monday, September 16, 2019

Joy Luck Club: Malignant Gate

What lesson or moral is taught by the parable at the beginning of Part II? The lesson taught in the parable is that one should listen to their parents' words as they are usually correct and wise. 2. In what way does this parable help to Illustrate the following theme from this level? The generation gap, Including age and heritage, between mothers and daughters makes communication between them difficult? A child, who grew up only knowing America, will definitely struggle in communicating with a mother who was fully Immersed In Chinese culture back when she lived in China.Although age does make it difficult, these cultural differences will hinder their communication even more than age as they have different perspectives, ideologies and thoughts because of their different upbringing. 3. What might the book, The Twenty-six Malignant Gates represent In this story? The Twenty-six Malignant Gates might represent the experience, the culture and the wisdom of a mother. The mother says the chi ld will not understand as it is written in Chinese, but beyond that, it definitely is related to Chinese tradition and culture, and the wisdom of China; a child who only knows America will definitely not understand It.Rules of the Game: Wavered Gong (Daughter) Lind Gong (Mother) 1. What Is the â€Å"art of Invisible strength† Wavered learns from her mother? The art of invisible strength is the ability/strategy for winning arguments and respect from others. 2. Find two incidents in this chapter where Lind demonstrates her fierce Chinese pride. In page 91, she says that Chinese people are more motivated compared to lazy Americans. In page 99, Lind would announce to anyone who sees her that Wavered is her daughter in a very prideful and happy attitude. She's extremely proud that Wavers skill was developed thanks to undoes teaching, which makes her more proud. State a generalization about life Lind is trying to teach Wavered in the following passage from this chapter. -She's tell ing Wavered that If one wants to survive, one must know. -Learn more about the society you live In. 4. In what way does the wind mentioned in the story in the following selection from the story relate back to the wind mentioned In the story about the red candle? The wind is the metaphor for the invisible strength that Lind taught Wavered about in the beginning of the book. Lind used the invisible strength to escape marriage, when she used trickery and deception.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hotel System

AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER BSIT & BSCS DEPARTMENT In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the course Introduction to Software Submitted by: Kim John A. Hidalgo Jairus S. Echevarre Nikki Hanna P. Palanog Submitted to: Karen Kate Seronay Date: February 7, 2013 Chapter 1 Introduction A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-termbasis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting onlyof a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suitebathrooms and air conditioning or climate control.Today, most of the Hotels provide goods and services using computersystem. It helps to perform task in an easy way with less time consumed. Some companies are become fully automated while others strive for thesimilar setting. Computer programmers develop things like computer system that the rest of us could use. The computer programmers tell the users what todo. They ma ke programs that users can easily used or understand. The advent of new technology gave rise to easy and hassle free interaction between and among humans.Whether it is in business, science or what ever task a person takes on the quality and speed of carrying it out are enhanced with automation at the core of this efficient Today, many systems have used an automation process like using computer system, due to the efficient and accuracy. â€Å"Hotel Reservation System† is a transaction processing system. In this system there are more advantages rather than a manual Hotel Reservation. 1. 1 Background of the Study The proponents want to know the reasons of hotel in using manual reservation.The proponents conduct a study towards the topic because they notice some of the hotel still use manual reservation. The study will emphasize the effects of using manual reservation and how a computerized reservation will be substituted. Therefore, theproponents purported to find out how to inc rease the number of customerusing computerized reservation Interaction and individual stimulation have always been linked tothe technological availability of the time and place. With the transition toan information-based society, computers and transactions have evolvedfrom manual transaction.One of the solutions or alternatives to the problems that a hotel isfacing, a system was being developed which can edit, delete, filter,monitor and store and secured the records of the customers. Hotel Reservation system is a transaction processing system that solves the problem encountered during the manual Hotel Reservation. The computerized Hotel Reservation System aims to simplify the manual Hotel Reservation fastest and accurate. Database is shared thru World Wide Web (WWW).The proponents make use of some tools andtechniques to build the project. The system uses Graphical User Interface(GUI) to help the user give instruction to the computer. The system once implemented it will solve the mos t common problems that the Hotel Reservation encounter. 1. 2 Target Client Dotties Place Hotel is a place for relaxation and fun. Rooms with overlooking the swimming pool and view of the hotel. Dotties Place Hotel is located at J. C Aquino Ave. Butuan City 8600, Philippines. 1. 3 Statement of the ProblemA number of travelers choose to book online nowadays for the reason that it is comfortable and convenient. The level of convenience is simply unmatched because booking is just a click away. The advantages that come along with online booking cannot be ignored. This study will aid those hotels which are still using the manual way of hotel reservation and will facilitate travelers in booking in a hotel. It would also promote the hotel in a wider geographical range that is to advertise the hotel to acquire a competitive advantage over the other.Not all hotels are implementing an online reservation system which is the reason why some problems arise and that convenience is not achieved by the management and by the travelers. Through series of interviews, the researchers found the following problems: * Important personal information of the guest are misspelled; * Possible loss of important guests’ records who already made a reservation for a particular date; * Inconvenient for the guest to reserve a room & Delayed report generation. 1. 4 Objective of the StudyThe main purpose of the study is to develop a generic online hotel reservation system to allow guests to reserve a room through the Internet. The development of this study specifically aims to: * Provide the exact information of the guest; * Provide a centralized record for the proper management of the information of the guest; * Provide convenience for the guest to make a reservation, show the availability of the room and give suggestions on the available rooms for the guest; and * Generate generic reports to inform the management about the reservation. . 5 Significance of the Study This study is basicall y useful for the hotel management in the reservation in a way that it provides convenience both to the guest and the front desk officer. This study will be significant in the hotel owner as well as to hotel staff to gain more profit since it is online, the geographical reach will be widen thus making sales growth increased from time to time. Costumer convenience will also be emphasized because they can make any transaction anytime, anywhere. 1. 6. 0 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONThe scope of the study is that the researchers will give a proper webiste that can be easily to use. Using computerized system that enables bussinesses to track services and aims to provide accurate and reliable process on every transaction especially in a hotel reservation finding available rooms, the system tells you that this room is unavailable, deleting records, adding records, and to search records. This study is limited to other functions like printing the records. This study cannot have it’s own domain, due to lack of funds though this research is intended for educational purpose only. . 6. 1 Include The study focused mainly on the development of a generic online hotel reservation system. This allows the guest to inquire on the availability of every room in the hotel. The system is capable of registering the guest and a Captcha will also be provided to protect the system from web spiders. The system will accept online payment for hotels that require down payment through scanning and uploading of the bank receipt. Some hotels do not require down payment and the payment will be upon the arrival of the guest 1. 6. 2 ExlcludeThe system is limited to some areas wherein there will be two forms that the guest will fill-up. First will be the Guest Registration Form containing the guest name, address, age, gender, status   and the other one is the Guest Room Inquiry and Reservation Form which contains the availability of the room, arrival date, check-in date. 1. 6. 3 Dependency The syste m runs in a client-server environment. The hotel serves as the server-side and the guest is the client. The server is responsible for the confirmation and in specifying the grace period of the reservation.The system will automatically cancel the reservation if the guest exceeds in the grace period provided. Chapter 3 Software Analysis and Design 3. 2. 0 Model System Planning Water Fall Model Systems Analysis Systems Design Systems Development System Testing System Implementation Systems planning Systems planning phase is where the project initiation and requirements gathering takes place. In this phase, the researchers performed brainstorming. It helped a lot in the data gathering of the researchers in order to list the requirements needed by the system as to its development.Systems analysis Systems analysis is the dissection of a system into its component pieces to study how those component pieces interact and work. Appropriate data were gathered by the researchers and were used fo r the systems requirement specification. The specified existing problems were given adequate solutions. Through series of interviews, the researchers have analyzed the given data to come up with concrete information and to specify the existing problems sequentially. Systems designSystems design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified system requirements. In this phase also, the researchers used the gathered data in order to accomplish the logical design of the proposed system. System Development In the development of the system, the researchers considered the detailed users’ requirements to meet the desired requirements. These requirements are the guidelines in creating the reliable and better system.In this phase, the researchers also select the programming language to be used in the development of the system. The main task of the researchers in this phase is to generate the code of the system. System Testing In this phase, the system is tested against its performance and based on the requirements specified in the earlier phase using two different ways. First was the Alpha Testing wherein the developers/researchers checked the system if it is capable of running in different operating systems.The researchers entered invalid inputs into the system to test if the system can handle such errors and give possible response. Second was the Beta testing, to test if the system is capable in making reservation through the internet. And the management can evaluate the developed system if it is user-friendly and if it meets the necessary requirements in the reservation process. System Implementation In this phase, the final product is the fully featured system with full functionality is then implemented. 3. 2. 1 Use Case Diagram New Entry for Check in Update Check InPerform Checkout View Room Status Search Customer Information Staff Customer 3. 2. 2 Activity Diagram Stop User name and password do not match Start Log-inNO Staff Yes Check Availability Fill Check In Form Check In Update Reservation Checkout User name and password do not match Log-in Start Stop Adminn NO Yes Add room info Add room type info Change hotel profile Set room price Set floor info Generate Reports 3. 2. 3 Class DiagramCustomerCid : Integer Fname :Varchar Mname :Varchar Lname :Varchar Gender : Integer Contact No. : Integer Emailadd: Varchar(50) checkinDate: DateTime Stay : Integer Checkoutdate:DateTime Prepaid : Integer Room Info RoomId: Integer Room No. : Integer Roomava: Integer Floor: Varchar RoomType RoomType ID : Integer RoomType: Varchar Room No: integer Login Usrname: Varchar (50) Password: Varchar(50) Permission: varchar(50) Hotel Profile Name: Varchar Address: Vharchar Email: Varchar Contact No. : Integer AddHotelProfile() UpdaeHotelProfile()

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Literature Review on Employment/Labour Turnover Essay

Literature Review An employee is a particular individual that was hired by an employer to perform a certain task or a job. It’s the duty and the responsibility of the employee to perform the tasks that are being directed towards him/her by the employer and the employer must ensure that in return the employee is properly appraised for performing the task well. Employee appraisal is a vital part of the relationship between the employee and the employer. Employee appraisal is a source of motivation provided by the employer towards the employee to show whatever that he/she is doing or have already done is being appreciated by the company and that they wants the employee to keep up his/hers good performance. A well satisfied employee is always looking forward to perform much better day in day out and is willing work for the employer as long as he/she can. A demotivated employee’s enthusiasm is much lesser than a motivated employee’s enthusiasm. Enthusiastic behavior at workplace not le ads up to great individual performance; it also enlightens the other individual that surrounds the particular enthusiastic employee. A less friendly workplace can be bad for such individual’s, maybe even the management’s harsh work ethic’s or the work load that is being diverted towards the employee’s from the top management can ruin the enthusiastic atmosphere of a work place. These sorts of phenomena’s can lead up to employee turnover. There are two known types of employee turnover scenarios that can occur within an organization. Involuntary turnover is the turnover that occurs for employee termination, absenteeism or due to violations of the workplace policies. Voluntary turn occurs when and employee leaves a particular organization on his/hers own accord. In such incidents the employee can have number of reasons for leaving the particular organization. Employee turnover is derived to be bad for the performance of an organization. Researches have been conducted throughout the years to sort out the effects of employee turnover by many researchers worldwide. Such as, A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover by Rodger .W Griffeth, Peter W. Hom and Stefan Gaertner (Year of 2000) The researchers started off with searching all published articles related to predictor turnover-relationships in the year of 1990’s with the use of computerized sources. They also researched organizational sciences with the use of various books written under the particular subject. And decided to add the  public correlations that were found out as solutions if they were to meet the criteria that is given below, 01. Actual turnover (except for the job leavers) was assessed 02. The study used a predictive design that collects predictor measures before Turnover occurrence. 03. Turnover was measured at the individual level of analysis Through their research they were able to find out that the reasons behind the employee turnover was mostly, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job search, comparison of alternatives, withdrawal cognitions, and quit intentions. â€Å"Employee Turnover-a Study of its Causes and Effects to Different Industries in Bangladesh – Rezaul Hasan Shumon† In this particular research the researcher have considered analyzing some major factors that he thinks that plays a major role in causing employee turnover. The economy, characteristics of the job, demographics, the person, a bad match between the employee’s skills, lack of opportunity for advancement or growth, feelings of not being appreciated, inadequate or lackluster supervision and training and unequal or substandard wage structures. Through this research the researcher was able to find many causes for employee turnover, they are, irregular payment, less salary, improper management, job location, better job option and insufficient medical allowance is the causes that were found out to be the major reasons for employee turnover. And the researcher suggested some solutions that were voted the most by the employees as solutions that they prefer the most. Such as, Standard salary structure, standard increment and medical facilities were amongst the top three voted solutions b y the employees. Harris at al. (2002) According to Harris’s research, he came up with a theory stating that higher employee turnover rate of a firm, lower the rate of the firm’s ability to provide incentives to its employees, and ultimately it affects the firm by reducing its productivity. He also found out that the theory of job matching  postulates that turnover is a solution for both the employees and the employers can adapt to in order to avoid being restricted in sub-optimal matches. He also states that the issue of trying maintain the workforce stability and flexibility on an even scale is way too much of pressure to handle that it will easily point out the rise of an optimal turnover rate.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Bronze Age in Ireland Essay Example for Free

Bronze Age in Ireland Essay The arrival of the Bronze Age in Ireland was a gradual process, as there is no sharp division between the last Stone Age and the early Bronze Age. The Bronze Age is broken up into three groups including the Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, and Late Bronze Age. Nevertheless there is a general agreement that the Bronze Age started around 2000 B. C. and lasted until about 500 B. C.  As the era suggests, it was the new metal work technology practiced most effectively by the Beaker people in the north-eastern part of the country that caught the attention and imagination of those with artistic talents. As well as that it was the transition of the use of a different harder heavier metal from stone. Armor, weapons, daggers, and awls area few of the new items produced. The Bronze Age cannot be denied as a time of development. Gold items were also produced however there were mainly for ceremonial or decorative purposes. Silver, copper, and gold of which were the raw materials were all found around Ireland including West Cork, Tipperary, and Wicklow. The knowledge of how to make bronze came to Ireland from Europe. It is made from an alloy of tin and copper. The copper was mined in Ireland, chiefly in county Kerry at Ross Island; however the tin was imported from Britain, which is believed to have been obtained by a trading of gold already available in Ireland. Due to the richness of copper and gold in the country, Ireland had developed great trading power which was most definitely used to its greatest advantage. This is evident because Irish Bronze and gold objects are found in many parts of Western Europe. (Appreciation and history of Art). There are a mass quantity of many spectacular pieces of gold jewelry from this era that has been found over the years however many have been known to been lost or destroyed. The majority being found in bog land. The beginning of this time was more considered a Copper age as it was the main use. But later on, the introduction of tin made it possible to forge better and more sophisticated tools and weapons from the new alloy. However these tools and weapons would have been available to just a few sections of society and this brought about social changes which saw hierarchies established with the ownership and access to the new metal being the overriding factor in where one ranked in this hierarchy. Bronze Age in Ireland. (2017, Jan 08).

The Struggle of Past Identity in Modern Lebanon Essay

The Struggle of Past Identity in Modern Lebanon - Essay Example Using methods from both the sciences and the humanities, anthropology helps us to understand the world around us. Anthropologists work in a wide variety of settings around the globe, including rain forests, high-altitude environments, rural villages, and large cities. (Headrick 2007) Anthropology studies all facets of society and culture is it tools, techniques, traditions, language, beliefs, kinships, values, social institutions, economic mechanisms, cravings for beauty and art, struggles for prestige. This includes, by way of example, but is not limited to Linguistics is the study of human languages, their synchronic structure,and their diachronic evolution, and linguists dedicate themselves to the description and documentation of live and extinct languages. Linguistic Anthropology is the study of the interrelation of language, culture, and human cognition. It describes the impact of humans on other humans. It basically studies human characteristics generated and propagated by humans themselves. Cultural Anthropology: for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists, culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns. The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871. Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Of course, it is not limited to men. Women possess and create it as well. Since Tylor's time, the concept of culture has become the central focus of anthropology. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture. They are not culture in themselves. For this reason, archaeologists can not dig up culture directly in their excavations. The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are only material remains that reflect cultural patterns--they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills. It provides in depth studies of and comparisons between living cultures and traditions. It also studies the social organization of people by studying and analyzing the language, economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption an exchange, gender relations, kinship and family structure, individuals and their relationship with the past. Different subfields under this category include

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Impact of the World Trade Organization on Intellectual Property Rights Essay

Impact of the World Trade Organization on Intellectual Property Rights - Essay Example Finally, economics affect the governments by determining nation’s financial resources needed in the sustenance of the country’s requirements. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body which has the main responsibility for regulating trade between different countries engaged in commercial activities. For example, the WTO standardizes trading policies by finding a common ground between different domestic policies (Kroll, 1999). Recent years have proved to be challenging for trading activities, especially in what concerns the intellectual property rights. Due to differences in policies regarding the ownership and transference of intellectual rights from one person to another, these rights are a crucial issue of contention between countries engaged in trading activities at the international level (Kroll, 1999). The WTO continues to resolve disputes arising with regard to intellectual property rights by providing a standardized set of rules used in the judgment of these cases (Kroll, 1999). Free trade recognizes individual rights to own and dispose of property and is a result of capitalism, which replaced the once popular mercantilism. Capitalism allows for privatization of wealth and the subsequent reduction of restrictions on trade, namely free trade (Craig, 1994). Free trade is considered an economic provision for exchange of goods and services without the intervention of the government, especially in view of foreign trade. In this scenario, the traders utilize the principle of comparative advantage, i.e. both parties benefit from the trade interactions. Ricardo (1817) demonstrated the gains from free trade by an example between two countries, which can use comparative advantage. Matters of guiding policies dictate that free trade ought to rely on supply and demand governing the prices and availability of the goods and services. However, comparative advantage, demand, and supply do not guarantee fair trade.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Automatic identification systems (AIS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Automatic identification systems (AIS) - Essay Example In open water, ships sail under different courses and speeds, each following its schedule to arrive to its destination. A ship detected by visual lookouts or by radar at a range of 6 miles or less could have any course and is considered a threat to collision. Ships must make decisive quick changes in course and/or speed to avoid collision if such threat exists. Ships take time to change its course and speed since its advance in the water is a complex outcome of her heading, speed, weight, wind and current direction and speed. Decision how to pass or overcome a detected ship must be taken early in time before the detected ship is less than one mile away. Once a contact ship is detected by visual lookouts or radar, the officer of the watch must analyze the threat of collision with this contact. He must determine the detected ship's course, speed and relative motion. He must decide whether this ship is on a collision course with his ship or not based on how close this ship would pass his ship and expected changes in course and speed. If action must be taken to avoid collision, he should determine who will maneuver according to the rules of the road to avoid collision. Just imagine what should be done if more than one ship is detected. Automatic Identification system (AIS) was introduced to provide solutions to such complex scenarios. AIS provides a shipboard radar display, with overlaid electronic chart data, that includes a mark for every ship within radio range. Information pertaining to all detected ship is displayed as required. The size of the mark reflects the size of the ship. By clicking on any ship's mark, you could learn about ship's name, call sign, and classification. You could determine best maneuver to avoid collision with the detected ship instantaneously, using the displayed information such as course, speed, closest point of approach (CPA), time to CPA (TCPA) and position as latitude and longitude. You could call upon any ship within the very high frequency (VHF) range using its call sign or name using VHF communication or Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). "Display information previously available only to modern vessel traffic service operations centers could now be available to every AIS-equipped ship" (USCG 2005). Prior to the introduction of AIS, other navigation aid systems were used. The following aids to navigation would be discussed and compared to AIS: buoys, racons, radars, and Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA). The AIS system will next be described and explained. Buoyage System A buoy is a floating device which is kept in some specific place in the water to convey certain information to ships passing by. It usually marks a danger to navigation or an administrative area to allow boats ship to navigate safely. Size, shape, color and numbering are distinctive of each buoy's function and identity. Buoys that carry lights are also used at night time. Buoys carrying sound signals are used in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog (Maloney 1981). Valuable information is obtained from buoys when they are identified. A buoyage system contains a number of different types of buoys. Each type is designed to meet the requirements of different conditions. A can buoy has the shape of tin can when seen from a distance. A nun buoy has the shape of a cone with a rounded tip. A lighted buoy is a short skeleton tower with a light at the top connected to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing of the Voice project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing of the Voice project - Essay Example These files are very important and therefore they should be stored using cloud computing, so that even when there is system failure the files will still be safe (KIMPERLEY, 2010, pp 88) . For the successful implementation of the VOICE cloud computing, the functions that the department plays should be divided into smaller work units and every work unit should be headed by someone who will take the responsibility for that group. These work units should have the full support of the management so that they work efficiently. For every company’s success the employees have to be motivated. This is because motivated employees tend to work to their best of capability. Therefore the two companies will have to come up with a way of motivating the staff members of the companies if the successful implementation of VOICE cloud computing is to be achieved. In addition, this will be helpful in that these are two different groups who have been working differently and therefore they may have different opinions as far as carrying out a task is concerned. The structure of the company will have to be checked once again by the management team. The same structure cannot be maintained as there is a new company which has been brought on board. The staff members of the People powered system will feel like they are not part of the company if the same structures are kept in place.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Electric circuits and devices prototyping Lab Report

Electric circuits and devices prototyping - Lab Report Example [3] A BJT is a current controlled device and has three terminals i.e. base, collector and emitter. The base determines the current in the emitter and the collector output. Actually BJT is a piece of silicon with three regions that have two junctions namely n and p. [3] An NPN transistor and the PNP transistor are examples of the two types of BJTs. The charge carriers in these two types of BJTs differ i.e. a PNP has electrons as its primary carrier, while NPN has holes as their primary carriers. NPN and PNP transistors practically have identical operation principles with the only difference being in biasing and in the polarity of the power supply for each type. [2] Typically, BJT has four distinct regions of operations; these are the forward active, reverse active, saturation and cutoff. Therefore, a BJT can operate in different modes depending on the junction bias. For instance, when base-emitter junction is forward biased and the base-collector junction is reversed biased, then the device is in the forward active region mode of operation. [3] The device is in reverse active region of operation when the base-collector junction is forward biased while base-emitter junction is reversed biased. The saturation mode occurs when there are forward bias potentials in both base-emitter and base-collector junctions. However, when both junctions are reverse biased then the device is in cutoff region of operation. [2] Since a BJT is three terminal device, it can be connected in three possible ways with one terminal being common for both input and output. These three configurations include common base, common collector and common emitter configurations. The common base configuration has high voltage gain with no current gain while the common emitter has gain for both current and voltage. The common emitter configuration has a current gain with no voltage gain. [3] This is a voltage-controlled device and has

Sunday, September 8, 2019

John Brown- Terrorist or Freedom Fighter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John Brown- Terrorist or Freedom Fighter - Essay Example Using one of the most famous accounts of such a confrontation in America, the author illustrates the impact of humanitarians’ calls for abolition linking John Brown’s Raid as a possible origin of the American Civil War. However, the noble intentions of the raid are usually taken out of context to associate its consequences with acts of terrorism. In spite of the dangerous approach adopted by John Brown and his associates in the Harpers Ferry episode, abolition campaign was like a time bomb that would have anyway exploded due to neglect and contempt of human rights issues. Flanked by this thesis statement, this essay will attempt to analyze the life of John Brown and the events at Harpers Ferry raid to pick a position on legality of his actions as reiterated in the accompanying conclusion. Inequality and slavery in the polarized American society concerned John Brown to the extent that he found an alternative to peaceful abolition campaign that had not delivered results. Besides his desire to have a successful campaign for a slave free country, he was angered by some abolition positions that did not advocate for equality to the marginalized slave community (Earle, 13). Terrible aggression had been observed against slaves who were also subjected to inhumane conditions, a matter that inspired John Brown to apply similar tactics on the perpetrators of the violence on slaves. Alternatively, there was an apparent division into two southern and northern factions along hard-line positions on the issue of slavery. John Brown was a northerner, the faction that largely advocated for peaceful resolution of the American humanitarian concerns. Despite the fact that religious input into the campaign quelled application of any hostility tactic, the emergence of certain abolition acti vists who were desperate for the continued suppression of slaves and minorities was on the rise. The hostile abolitionists had realized that however dangerous it appeared, hostility

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur Essay

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur - Essay Example Their impact lives on for generations. A real estate entrepreneur, also known as a real estate investor, is a person actively or passively involved in real estate. Real estate refers to property that consists of land together with the housing and natural resources found on it. Thus, in business, real estate is a profession that deals with sales and purchase, or renting of land, housing or buildings. An active investor may buy or make improvements on property to be sold at a later date for profit. On the other hand, a passive investor does the work of an active investor indirectly. In their case, they hire firms to buy and manage property on their behalf. Career Path Real estate is an occupation to be considered by people with a balance of industry knowledge and entrepreneurial acumen. Even though getting a job as a real estate entrepreneur may not be difficult, beginning workers face a lot of competition from seasoned and well established entrepreneurs in the field. Organizations hav e taken the liberty to chart out the path of a real estate investment. This is done in stages of training. In each stage, an employee undergoes training. Upon their success, they rise up the ranks. For instance, Keller Williams Realty has seven levels of training (Keller Williams Realty, 2012). These levels include career launch, success series and boot camps. A summary of these levels is as shown below. Trends Real estate markets have a great impact on the economy. A healthy real estate market has been known to positively drive the economy. A good example is China. According to Barboza (2010), in 2003 to 2010 period, real estate prices in Shanghai increased by over 150%. Construction of property has continued despite the threat of credit crunch. The government has benefited from this rise in prices as GDP has increased from 2% (2000) to 6% (2011) due to residential housing investment. The 2008 global recession had an adverse effect on real estate industry. Sad though, the reverse i s also true. Economies have declined as a result of an unproductive real estate industry. In America, there was a decline of people being hired into the sector. However, this changed shortly after. Between January 2011 and January 2012, there was a 20% increase in job advertisements (Lombardi, 2012). Hiring Demands in the Real Estate Industry – 4 Year Hiring Trend Source: WANTED Analytics Technology is a significant aspect to the growing change in career trends. For part time real estate entrepreneurs, the increasing use of technology may work to their detriment in comparison to full time entrepreneurs who invest in technology. The same technology does have a positive impact. It has increased the productivity of real estate investors. It has widened the market base since they are able to access their customers and do research on various property using the internet. The internet is particularly resourceful because of the pool of information it contains. The perception of real estate as a worthwhile investment and low interest rates continue to stimulate real estate sales. This creates demand for real estate entrepreneurs. One may, therefore, choose real estate investment as a career path. The legal front also plays a vital role in determining trends in real estate. Real estate entrepreneurs need to meet certain legal requirements and adhere to certain legal conditions. Changes in legal requirements, like the disclosure laws, may discourage some who are not serious or are not abreast with such